Thanksgiving at Our House

Happy Thankgiving to you all! This post is mostly for the sake of my family in Ohio but you are welcome to look at it too if you so choose. I neglected to take a picture of everybody at the table but you know how it goes, the kids and everyone else was hungry and I hated to make pictures for a blog more important then their needs so you will have to imagine them there. ☺

The ham and the turkey breast were delicious!

as was the dressing/filling/stuffing whatever you choose to call it. I love this stuff! My mom makes the best but since she is 400 miles away I had to make my own using her recipe.

A common tossed salad for my kiddos that fear fancy ones. ☺

Creamy Cole Slaw because I was hungry for it.

Also on the menu were mashed potatoes and gravy. Candied Sweet Potatoes because I was hungry for them and sweet corn.

Chocolate Cream Pie with Peanut Butter Cups. Mm mm MMMM! I'm sure I will make it some more! Very easy and stress free!

Not So Rich Pecan Pie

I usually only make pecan pie when we are having company because I'm the only one who eats it from our house, that way I get a taste and someone to help me eat it.

And last but certainly not least is my Mom's Pumpkin Custard Pie. It is hard to get a better pumpkin pie then this. (I guess those years that I stood beside Mom when she baked pies watching every move she made paid off because the two that I baked turned out perfect. Thanks Mom for your patience and for teaching me how to do it right!) It's creamy and smooth and delicious! Solid pumpkin pies are not for me!

And Rice Krispy Roll Ups for the littles that are not into pies yet. It's hard to eat only one of these!

I hope you enjoyed your visit and know that we missed seeing you around our table with everyone else. We love you and hope your day is blessed!~ Martha


  1. it was yum-me-ee-oo!! & we get to enjoy leftover pecan pie!


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