White Choclate Almond Cheesecake with Black Cherry Sauce

This cheesecake idea has been bouncing around in my head for a pretty long time. I had a picture in my mind of what I wanted it to look like but knew the flavors of it wouldn't really excite any of the big eaters in my house and so was reluctant to make it until I thought of the cute little 6 inch cheesecake pan in my pantry. And I was pretty sure my neighbor Myma would be happy to see me coming again.☺

I wanted it to be fluffier than a regular cheesecake so I decided to add just the whites of two eggs beaten stiff and folded in. Worked like a charm. It's very fluffy and doesn't seem as heavy. The almond flavor is very nice with the dark sweet cherry sauce.

For the Crust:
¾ cup chocolate graham crackers
1 Tablespoon Dark Chocolate Cocoa Powder
1½ Tablespoons sugar
2½ Tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
Mix thoroughly and press in the bottom of a sprayed 6 inch Springform Pan. Bake at 300° for 7 minutes. Allow to cool.

For the Cheesecake:
8 ounces white chocolate, melted
16 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/3 cup sugar
2 teaspoons almond extract
1 cup sour cream
2 egg whites, beaten stiff

Beat the cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Add the white chocolate, sour cream, and almond extract. Mix well. In a separate bowl beat the egg whites till stiff peaks form. Fold gently into batter. Pour over cooled crust and bake at 295° for 35-40 minutes or until center is set but still slightly jiggly. Run a sharp knife around the edge immediately after removing from the oven. Allow to cool then refrigerate until fully set before removing from the pan. Garnish as desired and serve with Dark Sweet Cherry Sauce.

Sweet Cherry Sauce
1 lb. cherries,
stems and pits removed

Blend until smooth then press through a sieve to remove the skins.

1 Tablespoon sugar,
or desired amount
1 teaspoon Classic Pectin

Whisk until smooth and serve over individual cheesecake pieces.


Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday today (72 years) to my very creative Mother! She taught me so many things and loved me enough to teach me how to work hard and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from using the gifts God gave me to serve others. She is happiest outside in her flowerbeds, in her kitchen (her food is wonderful!), or when she knows she is making a positive difference in someones life. Unfortunately I did not always realize the blessing and treasure she truly is to me and was not always her friend. It took me moving 400 miles away and having kids of my own to understand her and figure it all out. Now I miss and call her Friend. I would love to be able to simply stop in at the end of a long day to chat and see what they are up to, but 6 hours is a bit long for that sooo... that must be why they made telephones. ☺

Thank you Mom! ♥



  1. What a beautiful cheesecake and post! Happy Birthday to your mom. :)

  2. aw...what a sweet post! :) She looks so cute in her house apron!

  3. can't find your comment link for the cheesecake, but wanted to say that I think that combination of flavors sounds really good! And it does look fluffy! yum!

  4. we would have taken a serving, seeing we were cheated out of the last cheesecake at PV - some of the STAFF FINISHED IT OFF...pret-ty nervy! :) ma

    1. haha that's what I thought too. Turns out your daughter took it home and now I have an extra plate thats not mine :)

  5. Happy birthday to your mum! I am so lucky to have mine living round the corner :) At least you can chat to her!

  6. Stunning looking and outrageous Cake
    I'd looooooooooooooove a slice or two
    Very impressive cake
    Happy Birthday to your Mom

  7. Your cheesecake looks awesome! I love the almond edges. Happy Birthday to your Mom!

  8. That cheesecake looks delicious! Great recipe :)

  9. Hi, I'm coming over from the Welcome to the weekend Blog hop. That cake looks amazing! Happy birthday to your mom!

    Do visit when you have the time!

  10. Happy birthday to your mom,thanks for joing us at welcome to the weekend hop,this looks so yummy :)

  11. Oh what a sweet post...pun intended. =) I think we all learn to appreciate our moms as we grow older...how nice you can still be connected, even when you can't be together. This sounds like a fabulous cheesecake too. Sure wish I was your neighbor. ;-}

  12. Wow this looks like heaven!!!! I cant wait to make it! Im a new follower! Would love for you to visit mine! :)


  13. You and your cheesecakes! You are so creative and have made another stunner. The almonds on the sides look great and these flavors sound delicious together. Thank you for sharing with See Ya In the Gumbo!

  14. Hi Martha, I was one of your "pinners" on Debbie's Linky Party! I'm now following you and I have pinned you on Pinterest too! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog. I did answer your question about the pickles, I boil before, place the pickles and boil after. It's the best recipe!

    Also, when I saw your cheese cake I thought it was stunning! It looks like it came from a professional bakery!

    Happy Birthday to your mom too! You're so lucky to have her in your life, even though it's 6 hrs. away! I lost my mom last September and we still miss her like mad!

    Well, I'm off to explore the rest of your blog! Have a great weekend!



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