A Day in the Life of...

This week has turned out to be full and super busy! How does that happen so quickly? But it's okay we will just do what we can and roll with it. I was on the schedule to serve hot lunch at the High School where our two oldest boys attend . This is done twice a month and all of the Moms take turns. There are usually 4 Moms per meal but it only worked for two of us to serve today and one of the other Moms made all the salads so that helped a lot. We had a simple lunch of Angel Hair Lasagna and Garlic Bread with Salads (BLT, Caesar, and Olive Garden) and an Ice Cream Dessert. The hot lunches are always appreciated and for me it's always fun to go and see the other kids the boys are with 9 months out of the year.
To keep my sanity and some balance to my life, in my few spare moments today I did a few experiments in the kitchen. Believe it or not it helps me to relax.
Natural Red Velvet Cupcakes
Just hearing the words Red Velvet makes my body have a reaction thinking of all the food coloring! But no fear these are made with beet juice. I was very intrigued and have been wanting to try these for a while. They are waiting for icing and taste testers. :)
The other experiment was this.

A Strawberry Vinaigrette. It is yummy! and sugar free :) Maybe I'll have a salad for breakfast! The next time I make it I want to try juicing the berries instead of blending. I think it will be a more clear red color which is what I wanted. So... that was my day besides preparing supper and nursing a headache and trying to deny there's a sore throat brewing. The headache comes from not eating sugar. I know! I'm horrified too! But it's a good thing, so I'll live with it till it goes away.
These blue beauties have discovered the homemade suet and have been hogging the feeder. I don't mind if they're greedy though. They are gorgeous!

I also spent some time at the window watching these guys after school. This is what they do every afternoon weather permitting. They have a lot of fun together! The 3rd one is off to the left throwing to these two.

They smelled like fresh grass when they came inside. :)
Thanks for visiting and I hope your evening is relaxing!


  1. Replies
    1. Mary Ann, I posted the recipe for the suet a little while ago. If you scroll down you'll find it. :) Thanks for stopping in!

  2. Hope the sore throat dies away!

    I make a chocolate cake with beets in it and they give it a lovely color and the taste is delicious...nobody would know there were beets in it! I'm sure your cupcakes will be the same way!

    I love puttering in the kitchen..it is relaxing!

    You're cutting out sugar? Whoa. haha. I'm just limiting my sweets to one a day...a dessert after dinner with tea....but only if I've been on the treadmill. :)
    And believe it or not, that is cutting back a LOT. haha.

    1. Oh that sounds like a reasonable way to cut back. My husband and I are doing a cleanse right now so no white sugar or white flour. :) I'm sure I'll HAVE to taste the cupcakes tomorrow :)

  3. hope you feel better - those little red velvet cupcakes look SO lovely!
    Mary x

  4. Martha, what a fun day you had in the kitchen, love your results but love those handsome boys even better. I know you love seeing them have so much fun together! Hope your headache is much better.

  5. Hi Martha,

    Totally agree with you that life being a mum is never easy. I cook and bake a lot too to keep my sanity - LOL!

    You must be happy now to see your boys are all grown-ups now. Mine is still growing by inches *sign*

    Nice to know you via blogging. I'm now your latest follower :D



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