Bacon and Swiss Omelet

I had some spinach and Swiss cheese in the fridge and some grape tomatoes on the counter needing a purpose so I thought I'd put them all together into an omelet for breakfast.
 Simple. Satisfying. Delicious!
2 Strips Bacon
Red Onion Strings
Baby Spinach
Grape Tomatoes
1 Thin Sliced Swiss Cheese
2 Eggs
1 Tablespoon Heavy Cream
Red Pepper Flakes
The bacon I used was partially cooked so I just cut it into smaller pieces and sauteed it with the veggies and a small amount of butter till the veggies were tender and the bacon fully cooked. Scrape the veggie bacon mixture to the center of the pan and spread out slightly. Beat the eggs and cream in a bowl and pour over the mixture in pan. Season with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Cook for a minute or so till the eggs begin to set then fold the edges over the veggies and top with Swiss cheese and bacon crumbles. To avoid over cooking the eggs pour a small amount of water into the pan and place a lid over the omelet and allow the steam to melt the cheese.
Brew some tea and sit back and start your day with a delicious breakfast!
Father-In-Law Surgery Update for those of you interested.
Tuesday was a long day for us as a family. Originally we thought the surgery would last 6-8 hours but because of the biopsy report the day before, it became much more involved and turned out to be 13 hours instead. Surgery went well though and the Doctor was able to remove all the cancer that he could see. PTL! However they removed a kidney, spleen, a portion of each of the following, pancreas, small intestine, diaphragm, and stomach, and 8 spots off of his liver. They also applied heated chemo to the surrounding area during surgery. Chances of him having microscopic cells that the doctor could not see are extremely high and we are under no delusions, but feel very blessed for him to even have had the option of removing a tumor of this size. (small to medium soccer ball) The amazing part is that he has had zero pain since the Anointing Service months ago when the tumor was the size of a baseball. Pain was present before the service. That has been a huge blessing and we Praise God for answering our prayers in this way!! Recovery will be long but we are blessed to be on this side of surgery and with Doctors who care and are good at what they do.
I was proud of my boys for managing things at home and for taking great care of their sister while we were gone. (Thank you also to Mary Lou for having Serena over for the evening! that was a huge boost for her, too!) We left the house at 3:30a.m. and returned home around 11:00p.m. So it was a really long day for them as well, but they were wonderful!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. so glad the surgery went, what a long, and involved process! Praying for a full recovery, too!

    that omelet looks wonderful...I love them..any kind!

  2. Wow Martha, what a day you all had! I'm so happy the doctors felt successful with the surgery. You needed a good yummy breakfast after a day like that. I know those hours in the waiting room had to seem like forever!

  3. YUM! What a great way to start the day... this is my kind of breakfast. Sending positive thoughts to your family and especially your Father-In-Law.

  4. Oh that is a fully loaded omlette - delicious, love the bacon and swiss combo
    Mary x


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