Peppery Parsleyed Parmesan Oven Roasted Waffle Fries

Yeah... that's kind of a mouth full but to make it easier you could say The Kitchen Cookies' 3 P Waffle Fries. Haha :) Cheesy!
Anyway, we did some experimental grilling last evening and I thought something like this would go nicely with the steak. They are delicious! And just enough crunchy to make you want one more. We don't eat a huge amount of potatoes for various reasons but now and then I like to make something like this for a special treat. The children really enjoyed them, and our 2nd son informed me that the next time I make them I should make more of them!
They usually look like a lot more when I start out but they really shrink as they bake.
If you do not have a waffle cutter in your kitchen... go... get one! They are useful and handy and I love to use them for these fries and for fixing veggie trays. You know how most of the time on veggie trays they have big chunky radishes? Well... this waffle cutter is perfect for those big chunky things and you end up with a really nice piece that is much more practical for dipping.
Preheat oven to 450°
8 cups Red Potatoes, waffled
Place into a large bowl and cover with cold water and a teaspoon or two of sea salt. Let soak for 30 minutes. Drain, rinse, and spin or pat dry. Place them back into mixing bowl and add:
½ cup Grated Parmesan,
or more if you like
¼ cup Light Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon Garlic, minced
(I used the canned in oil type)
Fresh sipped Parsley
Freshly Cracked Black Pepper, lots of it
Sea Salt, to taste
Toss till evenly coated and pour onto a baking sheet. Add a bit more parsley and pepper if you want to, I did. :)
Generously spray a large baking sheet (or 2 smaller ones) with non-stick spray. Pour waffled potatoes onto sheet and spread into a single layer as much as possible. Bake for 30 minutes, flip potatoes over and bake for another 20-30 minutes or until they are browned to your preference. The amount of time it takes will depend on whether they are stacked on top of each other or not. Some of mine were. So just watch them closely after you flip them to avoid over browning.
I hope you enjoy them!
The weather is finally feeling like Spring!! happy dance!!
On Saturday I had the day mapped out to get some big things done outside. But if 3 of your big guys are fire fighters and things insist on burning, you know plans can change rather quickly. Then there's always that wee little space of time when you're tempted to kick and scream (can anyone else relate?) because you have to let go of those plans, but common sense usually wins and you make the choice to be flexible and make the best of it :) it's just part of what comes with volunteer fire fighting. :) Anyway we did get one big thing done that I was very grateful for, we mulched all of the berries. Yay!!
It was a fabulous day to be outside whether working or playing!!
 This is my row of red raspberries and 1 golden raspberry. The blackberries, black raspberries, and strawberries are in the garden. We did those too. These 5 helpers saved me a lot of walking and hauling. It really is amazing how much those big guys can do in a short period of time! Wow! The rest of the week weather wise looks wonderful as well so I might disappear for a bit. I hope you all enjoy the beautiful weather and get outside if you can!


  1. Oh these sound so yummy! Just wondering where you bought your waffle cutter?

    I can totally relate to the frustration of hubbies schedule being changed without much notice. Just when we plan something in the evening his boss adds three more sheds that need to be delivered. :( Oh well, it keeps me flexible.

    1. It was a gift from my sister. I'll find out where she got it and let you know.

    2. Hey Rebecca, Sis said it can be purchased at their local (Walnut Creek, Ohio) kitchen store. So probably somewhere where they sell anything from A-Z in the kitchen utensil line would be good.

  2. These look so delicious, I'd be in danger of eating the whole bowl!

  3. Now that is a mouthful both literally and figuratively. Theselook delicious. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  4. Wow ~ I know my family would love these! They look so good and crispy!


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