Another Birthday!

Happy 8th Birthday Serena!

Eight years ago at this time we had been waiting most of the night and would end up waiting all day until 7:30 in the evening for our girly to be born. The endless, boring labors are the things that I try not to remember too much of! But the end results were always so much fun! This time was no different!
We have all enjoy having a girl in the family and she is full of life and sunshine! She loves animals and being outside and tagging along with her brothers. They have been known to try to sneak out of the house after whispered plans to try and avoid having to let her come for a tramp in the woods. Is it possible to adore someone and be annoyed with them at the same time? If it is they achieve that at times but mostly they enjoy having her on their treks. They would do just about anything for her.

She is usually happy and loves to be with friends. She loves school and does well academically and looks forward to every day. Loves riding her pony and has Dad pretty well wrapped around her finger.☺ When asked to clean up her room she often sighs a dramatic sigh and says "what's the use?! it just gets messy again anyway!" She enjoys helping in the kitchen and is independent.

I always have to chuckle when I think of the day she was born. The boys at that time were something like 8, 7, and 5. We knew we were having a girl so as the time came close we decided to share our secret with the boys and tell them her name to see how well they can keep our secret. They did quite well! We had also told them that if they should wake up some morning and our friend Rhoda is there it means we went to the hospital to have our baby girl. The day came and she was there and took them to school. They began spreading the good news to everyone right away. In reality she was not born till 7:30 that evening so I guess it's a good thing that the ultrasound tech was right when she told us we were having a girl!

Serena we love you and enjoy the spice you bring to our lives!

One more thing, no more car seats!! Praises!!



  1. happy birthday, Serena! did you know i saw you being born? it was a little scary for me but after you were born i was glad i was there! :) love you, grandma!

  2. aww...happy birthday to her! What a beautiful girl she is...sounds sweet, too. How fun to have a girl after all of those boys! :)

  3. What a sweet girl you have! I know that she is spoiled by those boys! Happy Birthday to Serena!


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