Mini Strawberry Pies and a DIY Danish Dry Mix

Simple, Quick, and Pretty

What's not to like?!

 I thought we were going to have dinner guests today after services and these were to be the dessert. Turns out plans changed at church so we enjoyed these treats for our supper tonight. The boys were impressed and commented on how cute they look.

They are super easy. I used bought Pie Crust to save time, but if you are wanting make your own go here for a great recipe. To change things up a bit I decided to bake 4 inch dough circles in muffin pans.

Make sure you poke the holes into the dough. This keeps it from shrinking.

The filling for the pie is also an easy recipe that I blogged last Spring, but with Strawberry season being somewhere just around the corner I will give it to you again because it makes all the difference in flavor and color. I start by mixing my own dry mix which is only 3 ingredients and fail proof.

1 cup clear-jel, cook type
2 cups sugar
2 pkgs. Strawberry Kool-Aid

Mix together well and store in a glass jar with a tight lid.

If I'm making this for company and I want the color to be very red, I thaw some frozen, chopped strawberries and strain the juice and use it in place of some of the water. It enhances the whole pie. In flavor and in the way it looks.

Combine ¾ cup dry mix and 2 cups water/strawberry juice in a saucepan and stir with a wire whisk  over medium heat until thickened. Allow to cool completely before adding ripe strawberries. I like to use the Danish just to make the sliced strawberries stick together making it an actual strawberry pie and not so much a Danish pie. ☺ But that's just me. If you prefer more danish, go for it! Try it sometime, I'm sure you will love it, and it won't taste like preservatives. ☺

These would be perfect for a brunch or a tea party, etc. And they are fun and simple.

~Be Blessed!~

Metamorphosis Monday, Wow Us Wednesday, Swing Into Spring, Time Travel, Taking Time Out, two maids a baking


  1. Your pies are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing them on Creative Monday.

  2. I love how they look made in the muffin tins! I personally don't care for store bought crust...but have only tried Pillsbury. This week I was at Trader Joe's and noticed their's is made with real butter, so picked up a box just to see if I might liked it. I'm bookmarking this! They are just beautiful! Little pies would be so cute to make!

    1. I'm not crazy about the bought ones either. Only when I'm in a pinch... 8~)

    2. yeah, that's what I was's nice to have something quick to pull out like that. And I'm sure in some recipes the difference is so slight that the ease of the store bought makes it worth it.

      I can't wait to try your dry mix you gave here. :)

  3. I haven't tried doing these before, I really like the way they look. I'll have to look for the clear-jel in the store.

  4. These look amazing... so yummy:) Thanks for sharing them with us at Creative Mondays :)

  5. Oh man! I should have told you to bring them along yesterday! sorry to mess up your plans yesterday.

    1. not messed up at all, just a change of plans that we enjoyed very much! The hospitality and food were both wonderful! Thanks!

  6. Great blog, informative and up to date. Bookmarking your page. Thanks and more power!

  7. We always made our strawberry pies with Danish Dessert growing up and I haven't been able to find it in years. I'm so excited to get the recipe to make it, but what is clear gel?

    1. I would say clear-jel is in the cornstarch family and I buy it in bulk at bulk food stores. I've never seen it packaged for conventional stores. Hope this helps.

  8. Wonderful little pies
    Looking cute and must taste great with strawberries

  9. Thanks for linking w/ See Ya In the Gumbo this week! These pies are so cute! Perfect for strawberry season, Spring, Easter, brunch...everything!

  10. These are so cute and it looks easy enough. Strawberries are in season, so it's time to start eating them. Thanks for sharing a lovely recipe.

  11. The dessert sounds wonderful, and I love the portions size. I found this on On the Menu Monday, and have joined your blog. Patsy

  12. Oh wow these look beautiful and sound delicious! YUM!!!

  13. I bet your guests wouldn't have cancelled if they had known these gorgeous pies were for dessert! They are very impressive. Thanks for sharing them on Your Cozy Home Party. Hope you will join us again.--------- Shannon

  14. Wow!! :)

    I think this is my first visit to your blog, I welcome your visit to my blog to say hello and to become a follower if you aren't one already, you can find my blog at

    Have a blessed day!

  15. So pretty and tasty, i'm sure!! Thanks for sharing on 2 Maids a Baking!!


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