Homemade Pepper Butter and a Yummy Grilled Ham n' Swiss!!

Several weeks ago when my youngest sister and her family came for a visit she brought me several jars of Pepper Butter that she had made.
Oh my! Delicious!!
I didn't remember ever eating any before but knew I needed to put some of that on the canning shelves in the basement for sharing at the Holidays when snacks are called for. It's great for lots of things like sandwiches, crackers, pretzel dipping, etc. I think it would go great with a chicken quesadilla too. It's just really yummy!
The recipe comes from an older sister. I doubled the recipe and modified it a bit to use less of both sugar and clear jel over all than the original recipe called for. I hope you cook some up to enjoy as well!
84 yellow and red banana peppers mixed
(seeded and chopped)
4 cups onions, chopped
3 cups white vinegar
2 pints mustard
8½ cups sugar
2 Tablespoons salt
1½ cups water
1 cup clear jel
(cook type)
I used an old fashioned hand turned grinder to grind both the peppers and onions because it took less time than slicing and dicing and they were all the same size. I know,
 food processor, but I like the texture of the veggies better from the hand grinder. Anyway, whatever you use, it's nice to have them in uniform pieces.
Combine all ingredients in a medium/large kettle and bring to a boil over medium heat. Took about 45 minutes. Stir occasionally. When it begins to boil rapidly turn heat to medium/low and cook till soft. Another 20 minutes or so. Stir occasionally.
Mix the water and clear jel until smooth and slowly pour into boiling mixture while whisking with a wire whisk. You may or may not need all of this thickening mixture. Heat to boiling again and cook for 2 minutes.
Meanwhile clean approximately 12 pint jars and place them into the oven at 170°. I like to also place the flat canning lids on a cookie sheet and place them in the oven as well. Less messy than heating them in water and the rubber ring softens up for a better seal.
Fill jars up to the neck, wipe the top rim and seal. Turn upside down and allow to cool completely before moving.
I wish you success! :)
I was not hungry for breakfast food this morning so I waited till mid morning and made a scrumptious Grilled Cheese sandwich with , yep you guessed it, Pepper Butter!
pepper butter
double smoked ham
Swiss cheese
thin sliced fresh pineapple
mmm, mmm, mmmm!
Not my usual breakfast fare but I doubt that the sky will fall because I deviated from more nutritious choices this once! It was amazing! White bread and all! ha
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I'm going out to dinner but you've got me drooling, this sounds so unique and delicious and that sandwich looks to-die-for!!

  2. What a lovely addition to a sandwich - simply lovely
    Mary x

  3. that sandwich is really calling my name! yum! I've never heard of pepper butter but I know we'd love it. Love that you used the old grinder, too! And hey, you got a little work out to justify the sandwich! ha.

  4. Oh drool! I'm looking for a recipe that would use all my garden salsa peppers. :)


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