Random Pics of Life

I happened to be standing in the kitchen when I glanced outside early one dewy morning to see the gossamer web of some hard working spider. Have you ever REALLY watched a spider do it's thing? I did. It's amazing! And very cool!
Speaking of early mornings, this morning before anyone else was stirring I heard someone quietly walking through the house. Then I heard the back door closing. Hmmm, who could that be? Turns out it was this one here...
...heading out for an early morning ride. She is really feeling the threat of less time with the pony after school begins on Tuesday. Or is it the horse themed books and movie she reads/watches that spurs her on? haha, you just never know. I do enjoy seeing her have a great time with her pony. She brushes and braids and grooms till he shines. :) She is also diligent with the tack. And if you look closely there's a red string in her hat. That's baler twine :) her own version of a "Stampede String" because her hat wasn't cool enough to have one of it's own. I was proud of her for improvising instead of whining for a new one. :)
One of my new "babies" for my hydrangea collection this year.
♥"Forever & Ever Endless Summer Lace" ♥

And last but not least, 3 of the 4 softball players in the house. All of who had a great season and learned a lot about team playing and how good it feels to improve your game. I'm proud of you guys, you were fun to watch! :) 
Summer seems to have gone by at lightening speed and next week we begin the school schedule. Senior, Sophomore, Freshman, and 4th Grade. Indeed, where has TIME gone?! I do enjoy this stage of life that is much less about us doing everything for them and more about teaching them to be independent and about recognizing the potential of each one and guiding them in the right direction, teaching them to be comfortable and at peace with their differences, and most of all about just being a Christian example for them that is worth following. Experiencing their sense of humor and sometimes being the referee when that same sense of humor seems forgotten. :) None of these things is for the faint of heart, (although I feel faint at times, lol). It's all good and we love and enjoy where we're at.
We are looking forward to a family weekend and a nephew's wedding (Congrats to Bryan and Faith!).
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Parenting is certainly not for the faint of heart! lol....

    Don't you stand amazed when you see your kids taller than their father? :)

    I just love that picture of Serena and her pony. What a beautiful photo!


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