Outside My Window...

..."I am come that you may have Abundant Life". John 10:10b
From the looks of it God intended life to be vibrant and colorful.
Nature... ain't nothin' like it!

1,5,9. Blue Birds! They are the real reasons I make homemade suet!
2. Amazing Moon!
3. Compatability.
4. Mocking Bird. I love that the sun brings out the green in it's eye :)
6. Beautiful Sunset!
7. Same sunset, but earlier.
8. Carolina Wren. I love that these cuties roost in nesting pockets on my front porch every night. They have for years.♥


  1. I love that you have bluebirds! I should try to make suet sometime...it has to be so much tastier than the store bought kind!

    1. I've tried to get them interested in the store bought variety but they just don't eat it. I have a recipe on here somewhere. My Mom uses the same recipe but said she skips the step of melting the lard and peanut butter and just crumbles it all together like pie crust dough. Not sure if she always uses lard either. She feeds them a cereal bowl full every morning. They love it!

  2. Everything is lovely!

    I have suet making on my To Do list!

  3. Such beauty!!
    Happy New Year. xo Catherine

    1. Thanks Catherine!
      Happy New Year to you as well!

  4. We don't have the mockingbird in our area. Of course we don't have the Carolina wren but it is neat to see them. They like your suet a lot.

    1. The Mockingbird is bossy at times but the Bluebirds can hold their own as well :) I just enjoy bird watching so most birds are usually welcome to come around.

  5. No. 6 - Sunset photo is absolutely amazing!

  6. I didn't know bluebirds ate suet...these photos are lovely!


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