A Dream Come True...

This post is long...and it might be boring to you... it has nothing to do with food. :) Don't say I didn't warn you!

Almost from the day my daughter could walk, or say horse, she has had one goal in mind. To one day have a pony of her own. In my mind I kept thinking, sorry girl, but it's not gonna happen for a long time yet. She loves animals, so we tried Yorkie puppies for her, which she loved, but the two she had, had not so good endings that were very painful for her, and us. :( In less than 6 months, 2 of them were gone! SAD!!

Serena and I with 'Prince' the first one

'Sophie' on whom was poured all the love of a little girl with an aching heart. She spent hours and hours with her. The boys, too, loved her well. Sadly she was with us for about 6-8 weeks and one day she too was gone. So amidst sad tears the boys helped her bury her puppy and Daddy helped her make a marker for the little grave.

So there we were, pet-less once more. No more cheerful, happy - go - lucky girl.

For those of you who don't know us, my family all live in Ohio, and my parents live on a farm with my single brother and that is where we always stay when we visit. The children have always enjoyed this because they have a big barn and some animals, mostly it's a deer farm, but they also have a few horses and chickens. I know that over the years when we visited the horses were overfed because as littles the boys would sneak out to the barn and feed them, much to the annoyance of the ones in charge of chores! :) haha

Anyway, if you're still with me here and not bored, I have nieces out there who are also horse lovers and one in particular lived neighbors to my parents and she had a pony! Serena spent most of her time there and came to love this pony named 'Lightening'. I always wished that we could buy the pony from her when Rachael outgrew him but didn't think Serena was old enough when that time actually came, so he was sold to another niece, Tiana, who had him for about 3 years.

Back in September I was texting my married bro and he mentioned that they are selling all their ponies! I got this panicky feeling till I knew Lightening wasn't sold yet, because I knew it would have to be now or never. Never wasn't really an option in my mind because I knew we would get a well cared for, seasoned pony that enjoys being around children and would respond well to our family. So we decided that we would make a little girls dream come true for Christmas this year. My husband, kind man that he is, drove out and back in one day to pick him up and bring him home! That was 12-13 hours on the road.

The boys are troupers! Even though he is too small for them to ride they are more than happy and willing to help her with his care and to lead him around for her till they both get a feel for each other.

I hope you enjoyed the story of a dream come true! :)

Be Blessed and Have a wonderful day!!


  1. Oh, Martha, that is so wonderful!! Serena is such a lucky girl! Sara (my daughter) adores horses, but there is no way, of course, she could have a pony whilst living in the city, so for the time being she has to be content with horse models and summer camp where she can ride...
    Best of luck to Serena with Lightening, I'm sure she will cherish every moment spent with him!

  2. I loved this story - I'm so happy for your daughter - she looks SO thrilled - it's always wonderful to hear a happy story
    mary x

  3. What a sweet story - I am so happy for your daughter! My daughter would love to have a horse but it's not possible because we live in the city. Sigh.

  4. Well, that is just the sweetest story! Loosing pets is so traumatic. I've shocked myself at how hard I took each one of ours that has died.

    Hey..I live in Ohio! :)

  5. That is such a sweet story. Lucky girl!! Sorry about the doggies though. That had to be hard to lose two of them:(

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  7. What a wonderful story! Your daughter must be over the moon!

  8. So happy for your girl. I LOVE dreams come true. Great news. Thanks, too,Martha, for stopping by my blog today and commenting. Susan

  9. I'm so happy for your daughter, I always wanted a horse too, never got one, and still at 35 which I had one. That is wonderful you could make her dreams come true, you won't regret it!


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