Easy Grilled Pork Chops


Marinating center cut pork chops in Italian Dressing is a super easy way to get some great flavor into them and grilling them adds more deliciousness to the flavor. I like to have them in the marinade for at least several hours

and grilling them on a HOT grill to ensure juiciness. Simple is the way to go!


We had these today with salad and some grilled mushrooms that we wrapped in bacon. Those are totally awesome too! but they didn't survive the grill in a picture worthy fashion so I will try them some other time. You see, my hubby is a much better (more patient) griller than I but he had a killer headache for some reason and couldn't even eat with us sooo... but I'm happy to say he is better now after a loonngg nap. ☺☺☺

Linking to:
Debbies Newbie Party
Brambleberry Cottage
The Tattered Tag
Wicked Wednesday


  1. I love grilled pork chops and have not had them in sometime. Thanks for sharing and joining in.

  2. I just bought pork chops at Walmart and had no idea what to do with them - I rarely make them. Thanks a ton for the idea!
    Great blog!

  3. I am so hungry now! YUM. What a quick and easy idea. Thanks for sharing. Dropping in from Debbiedoos.

  4. I'm always looking for a new great meal and this is going on my list. I'm especially interested in bacon wrapped grilled mushrooms. Yum!

  5. Thanks for this recipe! We love pork, but I just never think to cook it on the grill, for some reason.


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