German Chocolate/Ice Cream Breakfast and Shopping

This day in my Life...

This morning when I woke up and saw a bit of snow on the ground it made me feel a little crazy. Seriously! I mean we keep saying Spring is around the corner, okay maybe it is, but how many corners do I have to turn to get to it!

 Yesterday I made a German chocolate pie and sadly it needs more cornstarch because it did not set up right when it was cooled, (I will share the yumminess with you all once I've tweaked and perfected it) :) but I couldn't help myself this morning, I knew I needed a morning brightener so I had runny chocolate pie and ice cream for breakfast. Bad Girl! Because I am actually on a diet to get smaller, not larger. But I will tell you, it was that bit of snow that put me over the edge!

I had this with gourmet coffee. Something else I haven't had for a while. And I thought it was interesting that I randomly chose one of my favorite cups which reads:

                                                         "CHERISH EACH MOMENT"

I did cherish each bite but I will tell you something else, I did not feel real good after the fact. This is not my normal breakfast! (And I have a much better picture of this somewhere on my computer but do you think I can locate it? I upload it to my web albums but it's not there when I go to post it!) Arrgg!

So because the cold persists and I felt like I needed to get OUT, and because almost none of my daughters shirts reaches the places that they should, I decided to go shopping. So I took myself to Kohl's and Target, and Ross, and to a Shoe store.

Now my daughter is properly clothed and my oldest son has jeans that fit again...and I feel much better now that I've blurted it all out. So if you came here hoping to see a tasty recipe, I apologize, but sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! Something tasty is sure to appear here soon again but for today...thanks for listening!! :)

One more thing, my second son needs a baby tooth extracted this afternoon, and he is not happy about this!! He feels positive the dentist can't be trusted!

I hope you have enjoyed your stroll through my hormonal day!  :) Makes me feel a little hysterical... Happy Wednesday! :)


  1. i think i can up you one on pie & ice cream for about half a box of ice cream in one sitting? yep, i did! :) turrible, i know, but then it was finished & out of reach!! :) i feel your pain!

  2. I love hearing about things in your life in addition to recipes. Pie for breakfast never hurt moderation. Lisa~

  3. If you can conqueror the winter blahs with pie for breakfast~~ Absolutely Go For It!!! Besides, it may "sound worse" but I really doubt if it was anymore calories than my not so tiny cinnamon bun.

  4. Haha Mom sounds like you could be related to my family in Ohio. We can sort of eat a lot of ice cream, at least the males in my family can, ahem!

    Thank you Lisa, I've tossed the idea back and forth about making this more than a foodie thing. But I think I'll need the sun before I can make any kind of rational decision :)

  5. Why do you have to torture me this late in the evening? When is breakfast? :))

  6. This looks so good I don't even know what to do! All of your recipes look incredible! I nominated you for a stylish blogger award!!

  7. There have been times when the temptation to eat something like this is just too over-powering to resist. I get it, truly I do!

    I'm also loving the sound of your ham and cabbage, & the Ranch potato dish. Dang, I need a snack!

  8. I think your breakfast covered all the basic food groups :-). It's good you were able to use, rather than waste, the pie. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  9. Runny and everything but it looks delicious. :P


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