Strawberry Banana Bars W/Lemony Cream Cheese Icing

Aahhh, the Taste of Spring

Because Spring seems to be somewhat elusive this year, and because there were some over ripe bananas laying around, and because making more banana bread sounded way to boring, I went in search of Spring elsewhere and found it here among the other treats. They were originally meant to be cupcakes but I wasn't in a cupcake mood either, so I decided to bake them in bar form and change the icing up a bit by adding lemon juice for something different. What a delicious surprise!! One that has Spring written all over it! So give them a try and you'll find Spring in a bite of  sweet confection.

this pic is minus the oil, yes it was one of  THOSE days ☺

Preheat oven to 350°.
Spray a 15½ x 10½ inch pan with non stick spray.

Ingredient List:
3 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
3 eggs
¾ cup canola oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
grated zest of 1 lemon
2 bananas, mashed
1 cup chopped strawberries

In a large bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.

In a separate bowl, stir together the eggs, oil, and vanilla. Add the bananas and strawberries and the lemon zest. Stir again till combined.

Add to the dry ingredients and stir just until combined. Pour into prepared baking pan and bake for 25-30 minutes. Cool completely before icing.

Lemony Cream Cheese Icing:
8 ounces cream cheese
6 Tablespoons butter, softened
juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 Tablespoon milk
Powdered Sugar

Combine first five ingredients in a mixer bowl and add enough powdered sugar till spreading consistency is reached. Approximaetly 4-4½ cups. If it's too thick add more milk. If it's to thin add more powdered sugar.

While I was eating this yummy piece, (what??!! you DON'T eat the things you take pictures of ?!) I thought to myself, hmmm, these would be delightful with more fresh, chopped strawberries over top of them. Might have to try them in season. But first Spring needs to come so the season can start, eh?

Linking to :
Time Travel Thursday
Home Sweet Home
Hodge Podge
Keep It Simple Sunday
Debbiedoos New Blogger Party
All Things Related
Sweet Tooth Friday
Food Fight Friday
Cupcake Apothecary
Be Blessed!!


  1. it looks gorgeous and I bet it's delicious!

  2. That looks delicious and much tastier than plain banana bread - pretty garnish too.

  3. Actually I have some ripe bananas begging me to use them. This is a beautiful treat especially with a cup of hot chocolate!I was browsing your beautiful blog!

  4. Martha,
    Your dessert looks wonderful! I love strawberries with bananas. You made it look so pretty. Thanks for linking it up!

  5. That looks delicious. I think the mix of fruit sounds really interesting. I recently made lemon cupcakes with pineapple icing and decorated with a strawberry - loved it so I'm thinking I would love yours as well.

  6. Hmmmm, this looks delish! I love the mix of flavors and will definitely try this. I stopped by from Debbiedoo's and glad I did! I'm a new follower and look forward to getting to know you. I hope you'll stop by and say hi when you can.

    Have a great week!

  7. Oooo, I can almost taste it! Stopping over from Debbiedoo's. I'm your newest follower. Would love if you followed me back!

  8. Martha that certainly is refreshing! Thanks for sharing in my newbie party.

  9. Looks like perfection on a plate!!

  10. It looks and sounds so delicious!

  11. hiya , yummy yummy yummy , thats it thats all i have to say martha , tfs,

  12. Hello Martha,
    I found your blog through blog hop. This is such a yummy treat.Im your newest follower. My name is Marelie and I hope you can drop by and visit my blog. thanks.

  13. Okay, my mouth is watering. Looks like a yummy recipe. I'm a new follower from Debbiedoos newbie party!

  14. Oooh, so fresh and springy. Cream cheese icing is my love language!

  15. I have bananas that look exactly like that! LOL!!! These certainly sound like delicious little delicacies.

  16. Anything with cream cheese is a winner! :) Thank you for linking to my K.I.S.S. blog bash this past week. I so appreciate you taking the time to share your wonderful recipes. Tomorrow is another blog bash, please drop by & share more of your yummy ideas!

    Drop By The Tattered Tag

  17. Yum, yum! Thanks for linking up with Sweet Tooth Friday. I've Stumbled your recipe as well.


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