Hilcrest Chicken

While working at Hilcrest Home in Arkansas seventeen years ago I was introduced to this chicken.

It was a good thing!!

It's what campers and day offers would take along on their cookouts and campouts to cook over an open fire after a vigorous hike, or exploring a cave, or a day on Table Rock Lake. Between this chicken and the iced tea we consumed by the gallons, we were well taken care of! Aahhh, good times!

For those of you who don't know what Hilcrest Home is, it is a nursing home in the town of Harrison, Arkansas that is owned by the state where lots of young kids can go for a year or more of volunteer service. It is where I met my husband ☺ and where I met a lot of other great friends! I could go on about all the hiking and other fun things we did but I won't. ☺ I'll spare you. Let me just say I enjoyed that year a lot!

Arkansas is a beautiful place to be!!

The recipe is simple ( I altered it a bit from the original) and can be partially prepared the day before and refrigerated, and the barbeque sauce can be whatever you like best. Tonight I used boneless, skinless chicken thighs and I chose to make my own sauce with homemade ketchup and honey mustard. It was delicious!

*For the Marinade:*
1½ quarts water
1 quart apple cider vinegar
1 cup butter
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
1/3 cup sea salt

Chicken pieces

Bring to a boil - put chicken pieces in - bring to a boil again.

Remove from heat and allow to cool a bit, then refrigerate until ready to grill.

Place chicken pieces onto hot grill and brush with your favorite barbeque sauce. Grill just long enough to give it good flavor and bake the sauce onto the chicken. If you use bone in chicken check for doneness because it will take a bit longer.

* Because it is boiled and the chicken cooked through, the marinade can be strained and refrigerated or frozen for reusing later.

Be Blessed!


  1. This looks really yummy! Thanks for sharing!
    Thank you also for stopping in!
    Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  2. Yum! I'm going to try this for a large gathering we are having next weekend. If you cook anything like your mother and sister I want every recipe you have. :) Lisa~

  3. It looks very tasty! Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great day.

  4. How did you know I was looking for some new chicken recipes? ;) Sounds like another winner!

    Thanks for linking to the party.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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