
Photo overload...
Don't say I didn't warn you!

We were in Ohio for a beautiful wedding on the home farm. The day was gorgeous and perfect for an outdoor ceremony by the big pond. For many reasons this spot is one of my favorite places. But I'm sure I'm biased... :)


The barn that held the reception was just built in the last few years and isn't used in a typical barn fashion so it was still relatively 'clean' and with a good scrubbing filled the bill quite nicely.
This wedding was extra special to us. My nephew has been a great friend to all of our boys even though he is 3 years older than our oldest son and 7 years older than our youngest one. When we visit Ohio he was the one who always had time to hang out with them and Trish  was a great sport and shared quite nicely! :) I'm sure things will be slightly different (no sleepovers, haha) but the boys were assured that they would still be more than welcome at 'The New Digs'.
Jordon and Trish
Could they be any cuter?!
And every bit as sweet as they are good looking!
Again... I'm probably biased, but still... :)

I loved this part!
A little of the back story. They wanted to do the dove (well, pigeons, really) release but didn't have any so after the rehearsal Jordon and his Dad Joe (black tie on the right) got permission from the neighbors to catch a few of the ones that roost in their barn after dark. Perfect! I'm sure the doves soon made their way home to a familiar perch after being released.
~~~~Some Details~~~~
In Memory of Loved Ones who watched from Heaven
Shout out to my Sister Becky who has amazing artistic talent and wrote the sign you see at the last minute. I keep urging her to quit hiding her talent and do something with it. Someday... :) I think she's working her way in that direction.
Instead of a regular guest register Trish had a puzzle made of the photo you see and we wrote our names, etc. on the backs of the pieces.

~~~Behind The Scenes~~~
The flowers were beautiful, and done by 'impromptu florist' Andrew Poulson. He did a great job! I was told to give him a hand when he needs it but seeing as I have somewhere around zero talent for that kind of thing and he was quite handy with it all, I would merely check in now and then to make sure his head was still up out of the water and then leave him to it.
Andrew and another Ohio beauty, :) see? still biased..
my niece Rachael, Sister of the Groom.
Terrell, Brother of the Bride
And this became Serena's new friend. She spent most of the two days he was there hanging out around the pond catching fish with their hands and this monster bull frog.
Serena was in her glory. I saw a bit more of her girly side this weekend than I usually do. She was totally into the decorating details and everything , well, at least she was when she wasn't around the pond catching frogs. ha

Making sure Chloe feels taken care of.

Shawn in his glory as Chloe pretend sleeps, such a cutie!

You know... the chickens still need feed, even if there's a wedding going on. My brother Dean left for Spain early the next morning and discovered the morning of the wedding that the chicken feed would indeed get all while he's gone so it was business as usual for him.
Yep, that's us... in all our glory. :)


  1. These photos are just beautiful! Were you the photographer for the entire wedding? If so, you did a wonderful job! I love all the personal touches and the setting is so picturesque!

    1. Thank You Anita! Alas, no, I was not the photographer. These were just some snapshots I managed to squeeze in :)

  2. Lovely Martha, just lovely! Such a pretty day, site, bride ...

  3. The couple look amazing in these pictures. And the venue was absolutely wonderful. I loved the arrangement of the barn setup as dining hall. My daughter is getting married next month and we have been busy with the preparations. We also wanted an outdoor wedding so we have booked a beautiful venue at the event space NYC.

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