Honey BBQ Chicken Pizza w/ Caramelized Onions and Smoky Mozzarella

say yes to yum

Today is sort of a low key day around here. The men of the house are off to the mountains to do some work at the cabin and it didn't work for any of my daughters friends to spend the day, so we went to bed later than usual (for her) last night and got up when we felt like it and haven't done much of anything today, unless it counts that we made some minus flash cards for her to practice and baked a cheesecake and mixed some pumpkin cutout cookies that are in the fridge waiting for the right mood. They may or may not get baked today yet. And we took a nap. It's cool and rainy and we're meeting my MIL for supper in town so I think other than picking up a bit around here we will just keep it low key.

helping to make the cheesecake

Yesterday when I was out and about rounding up our groceries I found some Smoked Mozzarella Cheese and was intrigued. So I purchased a small amount to try in this pizza with some rotisserie chicken that was hanging out in my fridge. I also had some small pre-baked pizza crusts that I had made and put into the freezer for convenience that came in handy for a quick lunch.

I decided that the onions (Candy Onions for one pizza and Red Onions for the other) should be caramelized to add extra flavor and sweetness and was not disappointed! They did their job wonderfully!

here they are in the process but not done yet, yum!

Sweet Baby Rays Honey BBQ Sauce is what I used and the flavor was perfect! Spread a thin layer on the crust and top it with the onions, thin sliced peppers, thin sliced mushrooms, and some chicken breast pieces.

Top with Smoked Mossarella Cheese slices and hot peppers.

 I baked mine on a baking stone for 15 minutes @ 400°. The crust was crispy and the whole thing was delicious! Can't wait to make one for my husband, I think he will love it! minus the peppers and mushrooms, that is.

Here's an update on this one-I started adding fresh pineapple and it's out of this world good! Try it sometime!! Hubby says it is now his fav over the Hawaiian one with ham and pineapple.
Be Blessed!
Linked to: Make Yourself Monday, Met Monday, On The Menu Monday, Foodie Friday


  1. I would love to try this recipe. I'm not sure if I've had smoked mozzarella but I will look for it next time I'm out. The last time I caramelized onions and added them to pizza, I decided to come up with a pizza that had the following: anchovies, blue cheese, tomatoes and some mozzarella. It was disgusting. I blame pregnancy for this weird recipe. :)

  2. What a delicious looking pizza!

  3. I just made that over the week end! However I didn't use the smokey mozzarella! Nice touch, i'll try that next time!

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    Its a beautiful stripped Hammock!
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