Chicken Noodle Soup with Veggies

Well it's finally that time of the year when preparing soups for supper can be justified.I love soups because they are quick (at least most of them),easy,and comforting on a chilly day.Several months ago one evening when I was feeling slightly desperate and out of ideas at 4:00,I inquired of my son what his suggestion would be for supper that night and he said,"Chicken Noodle Soup."I was happy indeed,but unfortunately it was slightly warm outside and others had a harder time appreciating the soup.I can't say I blame them,but when you're experiencing brain-freeze and the dinner hour approaches and you have a choice of facing five hungry bellies with either soup or nothing,I think the choice is probably obvious.I say five because for some reason the texture of soups has never agreed with our daughter and so...

When I moved to Pa. almost 16 years ago I had never heard of adding corn to Chicken Soup but they do that around her and while it is yummy that way,I am going to share the recipe I was used to as a girl growing up in Ohio.
                                                 the ingredients you will need are:
                                                 4 cups chicken broth
                                                 4 cups water
                                                 1-1/2 tablespoons chicken base ( or to taste (
                                                  Salt and Pepper to taste
                                                 3-4 cups chicken,cooked and deboned
                                                 1 cup diced potatoes
                                                 3/4 cup diced carrots
                                                 1/3 cup diced celery
                                                  4 ounces fine egg noodles
                                                  a few sprigs Fresh Parsley,(or dried if that's what you have on hand )

 Bring the first eight ingredients to a boil in a 4 quart kettle then add the noodles and boil softly for several minutes.Turn off heat and cover with the lid and let steam for about 20 minutes or until noodles and veggies are soft.Serve with crackers or croutons of your choice.Yield:approx. 8-10 servings

                                                      piping hot and Enjoy!

  This can be served on it's own for a light meal,but isn't exactly something that's rib-sticking.So if you have a bunch of hungry boys,who seem to always be hungry like ours are,or hard working men to feed, Ham and Cheese Sandwiches go well with this soup,or fresh warm Homemade Bread along with cheese chunks and Sweet Pickles.

Be Blessed!

Linked to: Sharing Sundays


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