Hand Made Ice Cream For Two

Serena and I needed something fun to do together today after our brave hunters left for the woods. One of the boys asked me if I don't wish I could come. It was a bit chilly and I think I would get bored so I had to say no. I don't think he really understood his Mother today. ☺

 I remembered that a friend had shared a simple ice cream recipe with me several years ago that did not require any fancy equipment and very few ingredients. Serena really likes ice cream so I thought it would be fun to make a bit just for the two of us.

The fun part is that you place it in Ziploc bags and knead it by hand.

What you need:
1 gallon sized Ziploc
1 quart sized Ziploc , freezer quality for both
1 cup half and half
¼ cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
¼ cup strawberry jam
Place ingredients into quart sized bag. Press out air and zip it shut. Set aside.
¾ cup salt
4 cups coarsely crushed ice
 Place crushed ice and salt into the gallon sized bag and give it a stir.
Place the smaller bag into the larger one and work the ice around the small bag and knead gently with your hands for about 7-10 minutes. When the mixture thickens let it rest a bit on the ice. Then dish it up serve immediately.

The original recipe didn't have the jam in it but I thought it would be good so we added that in. It was a delicious and easy little treat that we enjoyed together.☺
I'm guessing this would be perfect for those that love ice cream but don't want to keep it around because of it. It satisfies the craving and there's no extra around to eat later. Perfect, no?
Today she was an Indian Princess
Come to think of it, she wore those same clothes yesterday after school. I'll make sure she doesn't wear them tomorrow, don't worry.
She's been doing this a lot today on a favorite chair, and we played a funny round of Pictionary, took a nap and watched a movie. I hope you all had a happy day today too!
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Aw...fun times just the two of you! She's such a cutie! I had favorite clothes at that age and would wear them forever! I remember crying one time when I had outgrown my favorite dress. lol...

    1. sounds familiar. She has some things she wears constantly and some things she likes when I buy it but then refuses to wear without some drama. lol

  2. aah I love Ice cream and she is soooo cute and lovely!

  3. what a sweetie! hand made ice cream? fantastic!
    Mary x

  4. Sounds like you've had a wonderful time together! I love this way of making ice cream, how fun and it looks amazing!


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