Happy Valentine's Day!

 Gorgeous Roses!
Here at our house we have celebrated Valentine's Day 3 times now in 2013. So much fun! The first time we hosted our boys' youth group here in the basement. We had a lot of fun getting to know some of their friends better and watching everyone enjoy themselves was very rewarding! This was hosted the day after Dad-In-Laws very long (13 hr.) surgery. I could not have pulled it off without the help of my sweet friends. Some volunteered to bring food and one volunteered to help with the decor. Thank You all from the bottom of my heart! You will never know just how much that really meant to me!! All of the youth that were here (except one) invited a friend. This added a lot of fun because the group is pretty small otherwise.
These are our handsome young men with the sweet, beautiful girls they escorted. :)

 Andre - Amanda
Shawn - Kelsey

No. 2
Last night the youth group hosted a fundraiser in the church basement. They and the youth leaders did a fabulous job of cooking and serving the food! Amazing Food, too!
Appetizers and Punch
Chicken Parmesan
Ham Balls
Caesar Salad
Buttered Red Potatoes
Green Beans w/Almonds
and 3 kinds of delicious desserts
We sponsored a table and filled it with friends and had a wonderful evening!
Youth Group & Leaders
The couples on the ends are their leaders and they are amazing! The youth (and us too!) love to have them as youth leaders! Thanks for a job WELL done Mike & Jo and Wayne & Stella! We appreciate you and all your good ideas and the energy you bring to this group of great young people!
had to pose with my handsome men! :)
And tonight we opted for dinner at home. The kids always love it when I set the table with our wedding China and light some candles.
Fresh Warm Banana Bread

Grilled Chicken
Asparagus with Brown Butter

and of course
Snickers Sundaes :)
I hope your Valentine's Day was a good one too!


  1. Everything looks so lovely and so extra special! Lots of Valentine's Day fun!

  2. all of those look very fun! What yummy food and fun people!
    I didn't get any warnings today coming here so what ever you did must have done the trick! yay! :)

    (I spy that strawberry/cloud topped brownie thingy up there...still need to make that!)

  3. Each celebration was special on it's own...the dinner at home was the finishing touch. Love the snickers sundaes!


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