Creamy Avocado Ranch Dressing/Dip

There's been a few Avocados in the fridge for quite a while and I wanted to make a healthier salad dressing with them but kept pushing it off. I finally decided I'd better get it done before the avocados get yucky. I found what I was looking for here but adapted it to my taste. I ate it on my salad as a dressing and my hubby and I also used it as a fresh veggie dip with carrots, celery, and red peppers. It was delicious!

*I recently put together a dry mix for Ranch Dressing that I really like, and although I write these things down as I go, I somehow mislaid the paper. When I find it again I will let you know :)

½ Ripe Avocado, peeled
2 Tablespoons Sour Cream
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
2 teaspoons Olive Oil
¼ teaspoon Ranch Dressing Mix*
¼ teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
Sea Salt
Freshly Cracked Pepper

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.



  1. that sounds so good and a nice change from the typical dressings and dips! It's such a pretty color, too!

    1. It WAS a nice change. I think it could be good on a sandwich of some kind? Gotta think about that for a while :)

  2. Mmmm..this sounds like a great idea. We love avocado and ranch dressing...combined into a!

  3. Sounds fantastic! I love avacodos and have recently started making my own dressings , so Thanks for this !

  4. I adore anything with avocados & this sounds perfectly wonderful! I look forward to you finding the ranch dressing recipe.

  5. oh my goodness. i love avocado ranch. chili's has some yummy dip. i'll have to check out this recipe asap! i would love for you to add this to my new link party... spreading the love. please go check it out if you are interested!
    {love} lauryn @ love notes by lauryn

  6. That sounds very yummy as i might have to try and make this

    find you on weekend blog hop x

  7. Love it! It looks and sounds perfect.

  8. Martha, this looks wonderful. I am going to try it. Always love a new dressing/dip especially with YUMMY avocado in it!

  9. Yummm that sounds so good right now! Thanks for sharing.

  10. That looks great, I have everything I need to make it, will try it this weekend!

  11. I found you through the Weekend Blog Hop. I am going to try the Avocado Dip.

  12. That looks so delicious! Found you via the Weekend Blog Hop.

  13. This sounds really good. I'm pinning it to my board on Pinterest so I remember to make it later. :-D Thanks!


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