Spring Blooms and a 15th Birthday

Happy Birthday Shawn!

Happy 15th Birthday to our middle son! Seriously where does time go?!

 Shawn is soft hearted and caring and feels things deeply. He loves to be in the center of the action! He has an opinion about everything and no one really has to wonder what that opinion is, he's more than happy to share! ☺ We're working on this, he reminds me of a certain teenager from the 80's. Yeah, that would've been me. He is a very good impersonator and keeps us laughing. His height was recently measured at school and he's right at 5'11½". He told me later I don't know why she didn't just say 6 feet! ha 

He knows what he wants and where he's heading and is usually impatient to get there, hates to be late, and lives his life in exclamation points!!! He is persistent and a good worker, loves to help out wherever he's needed and can be depended upon to get the job done. He's competitive and good at sports. His dimples flash when he smiles but he doesn't like to be reminded of them. ☺ I tell him he'll be glad for them someday! They'll go hand-in-hand with all that charm! ☺

Shawn we are blessed beyond measure to have you in our family, life is never boring when you are close by! We love you lots!!


Flowering Plum

I've been enjoying the Spring flowering tree in the back yard and some more Spring flowers. Spring is such a hopeful, full-of-life time of the year.

More of the same, I've been having fun with some more editing tools from the latest Picasa upgrade.

The sky really was this beautiful blue color! Amazing!!

As a little girl the were some of my favorite flowers. We would go to the woods and pick huge bouquets of these and daffodils and woodland phlox. ♥♥♥

I didn't know at the time how very HARD it is to get rid of these if they happen to be where you don't want them. I've been trying for 5 years to dig them out of certain beds and the more I dig the more they increase!! Sigh - I shall persevere though, and one day I will win! ☺

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

~Be Blessed!~


  1. happy birthday to shawn! What a handsome young man! I was a middle child myself!

    your blooming trees are beautiful! I'm always a little sad when they all blow away and everything is green. ha.

  2. Thanks, I'll be sure to tell him! :)

    I'm always sad to see the blossoms fade!

  3. Happy birthday to your son! The flowering trees and shrubs are always so pretty I just wish they lasted longer. Thanks for visiting me and leaving a sweet comment.

  4. I like those little grape hyacinth but they never did good for me. This year I finally have a few that are blooming but so far they haven't been spreading. Probably my bad soil!
    Happy Birthday to your son.


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