Baked Potato Omelets

What a fun way to enjoy an omelet! The combination of potato, ham, cheddar, and egg is delicious! I made a few with mushrooms and onions and the other one was just plain without the veggies. That one seemed to cook faster.

Use Omelet ingredients that work for you .

I rubbed olive oil on the potatoes and baked them uncovered in a baking pan @350° until they were done. About an hour and a half. Allow to cool then cut a slice off the top and scoop out the center leaving a little on the inside of the skin. These were smallish potatoes and I used 2 eggs with some milk but 3 eggs would have filled them a little better.
3 medium potatoes, baked
3 eggs
1½ Tablespoons milk
diced ham
diced onion
diced mushrooms
shredded cheddar cheese
Homemade bacon Bits
Parsley flakes
salt and pepper to taste
To those of you who stop in here to read and have taken the time to tell me personally that you do. Thank you! I'm always amazed to know that you take time out of your busy lives to see what might be happening in my kitchen :) You have blessed me!
There are like a million and one things I should do today, for instance:
The basement looks like a war zone. We were starting an innocent little remodel and discovered mold behind the wall. Not cool! So now it is not such a little thing, and it stinks like Clorox!
The weather threatens for the weekend and the leaves should be done before that happens.
I have a few flowerbeds that should be done before that happens as well.
The usual cleaning and laundry that goes with a Friday.
It is overcast and all I want to do is brew something hot and bake some pies and take care of that other recipe that's been on the back burner in my mind for a long time.
Okay that wasn't quite a million and one things, but they all take so much time! 
But... I do have helpers ☺ so it's all good. The basement wall is ready for the dry lock paint, the boys and Lin are on schedule for that after school/work. The outside work is actually kind of therapeutic and I plan to do that today. Whoever invented the back pack leaf blower was a genius!! The cleaning can be done tomorrow, (Serena can help with that), along with the baby meal I'm preparing for a friend. Which reminds me I need a plan and a menu for that. The laundry can be multi-tasked in today.
The brewing and baking, however, may have to wait but they won't be going anywhere. Why is it that the fun things always have to wait, or is that just my business before pleasure mindset?
I bet you feel better now that you know this stuff. ☺
Hope you have a wonderful day!
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  1. Hello! I don't know you but I know your in-laws from growing up together tho they are a bunch older than I am. After you wrote what you did this morning about people who have commented on your blog I thought it's only right that I too let you know how much I've enjoyed your writings, photography and recipes! So thanks and please keep it up!!!!

    I know so well what you mean about having a million things to do, on a Friday, especially!! Just so you know, there are more people around that understand that feeling!! Best wishes!

    Remember always though, that relationships are far more important than what you get done in a day's time. For one thing, you never know when your loved one/s may be removed from you. (I speak from experience...) It's all easy to say, hard to do...... =)

    I grew up in Lancaster but have lived most of my adult life in KS. My parents used to be good friends of your in-laws parents on both sides actually. It's a small world!! Brenda N.

    1. Thanks Brenda for stopping in and for the encouragement! It is too easy to forget and the reminders are always a good thing! They did get to work on the painting but didn't quite get all of the first coat on. I'll have to ask my MIL if she knows you :)

  2. Breakfast for dinner or any time, great recipe idea.

  3. I think you can leave the leaves! They will blow away all on their own with this storm! ha.

    I love this recipe! You know, many times, if we have a left over baked potato in the frig, I'll chop it up and add it to an omelette! This is just a more beautiful way of serving it! ha. I'm going to make these soon...yum...we love omlettes!

    1. ha yeah I didn't bother too much with the leaves. I had more pressing things to do like transplant and spray things I didn't want anymore.

      Oh let me know how you enjoy the omelettes! I thought they were yummy!

  4. Martha, what a fun idea (and a delicious sounding one) these omelets are! I love unique renditions of old favorites! Oh, and I know what you mean about having a zillion things to do ............ but I can always think of an excuse to bake! :) I guess it's therapy for me!

  5. This is very cool! The potatoes--not the basement or the storm or that list hanging over your head. I say brew and bake first!

    Thank you for sharing these unique omelets with See Ya In the Gumbo this week.

  6. What a great idea! Did you add the scooped out potato too?

  7. I am dropping in from See ya in the Gumbo to check out these awesome potatoes:) These look amazing and you are a kindred spirit: a foodie and a person with a list a mile long with so many projects and chores going on all at the same time.
    I am now following via Linky, GFC and Facebook. I am pinning this:)
    I would also love to invite you to share these awesome potatoes or any of your other favorite posts at Freedom Fridays Blog Hop (no rules and live all weekend) So hoping to see you there! (Hope you bring your potatoes and have time, lol)

  8. This is going on the menu this week. What a fun idea, I will fill mine with lots of veggies and a little chopped ham. Can't wait.

  9. I'm here from "In the Gumbo"... I have to tell you these look so delicious. I've never tried anything in a baked potato other than potato...these are definitely going on my "must try" list! Thanks for sharing. We are following you via Linky now!

  10. I just sprinkle this post at all my favorite Places: Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

    Thank you for sharing at Freedom Fridays Blog Hop!!

    And Congratulations on being one of our Five Faves!!

    Hope your week is filled with laugher:)

  11. you neglected to say how you cooked them after you added the ingredients...

    1. If I remember correctly I baked them at 325-350 till the eggs were no longer runny. Sorry for the inconvenience! Thanks for stopping by :)


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