Melancholy Fog

This pretty much sums up our weather since the weekend. While we miss the sunshine, a part of me finds this very peaceful and relaxing. And a strong mind knows the sun is shining somewhere not far away. :)
One of the boys remarked that it's been so long since the sun shone! And for him to even mention the fact you have to know it's been a while because he is not a complainer and takes everything in stride.
This morning we added ice.
But thankfully just to the trees and bushes and not the roads. At least not right around here.

Pretty though, isn't it?
I spent part of the morning with Mom's In Prayer at the boys High School. I enjoy the connection this gives me to the kids and staff there and it's a great way to let them all know that we care about them and what happens at school. I peeked into the gym before I left to say "Hi" to my two handsome boys. :)
I came home and walked outside to take a few pictures. The birds watched bravely from their icy perches. They all look so pretty against the ice. Especially the Cardinals and the Bluebirds.
Bonus: the Bluebirds sang for me!

I hope you have a safe and cozy day today! I'm off to do some painting, not my favorite thing. But the end result will be worth the "pain" :)
♥Be Blessed!♥


  1. Your pictures, and weather, look beautiful. Down here in the deep south, it's mighty soggy, but I like it. I'm with you about the peaceful weather - I love it when the outside makes the inside especially cozy. Martha, have a blessed remainder of the week. Don't work too hard with painting. :)

  2. I'm so jealous of the blue birds! And now they are singing? :( haha.
    You have some lovely ice...I just think those icy branches are so beautiful!
    We had rain..melted all the snow and then a week of cold grey. I hear we will only be in the teens next week!

    Love the cardinal against the white...lovely!

    1. The dampness makes it feel colder than it really is. The sun peeked out this morning :) and then hid again :( On the way to school I commented that "the sun will have a chance today" to which Anthony queried "What IS this sun you speak about?" haha, yep it's been a while!


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