Caramel Party Mix

When I think of party mix there are three recipes that come to my mind right away. The original party mix, the white chocolate party mix, and then this one. At our house party mix is only made for Holidays or special occasions. We are getting ready to spend the weekend with my husbands family and we usually each bring a snack to share so this year I decided we would bring this one. My sister Karen introduced me to this mix a few years ago. Not sure if I should thank her or not ☺ but it is yummy, and easy! And the list of ingredients is not long - another plus in my opinion.

Here is what ya need:
1 box Crispix cereal
1 box Honeycomb
1 bag thin pretzel stix

Salted peanuts

1½ cups butter
1½ cups brown sugar

Combine the first 3 ingredients in a large bowl.

In a saucepan combine butter and brown sugar and melt over medium heat. Bring to a rolling boil;

 then pour over cereal mixture in bowl and toss to coat.

Pour onto two large baking sheets that are lined with parchment paper -

 and bake @325° for 10 minutes.

Allow to cool then add peanuts.


Linking to:
Time Travel Thursday
Home Sweet Home


  1. That seems easy enough. My son loves party mixes, so I'll have to try this one soon.

  2. You're right! That was so simple. Simple is good. Yummy and simple is even better. ;)

    Thanks for linking to the party again this week.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  3. This wouldn't last long in my house.

  4. THis will be a hit!

  5. This looks delicious! What a great treat for Halloween. Thanks for linking this to HSH!

  6. Thank you so much for visiting and following Concetta's Cafe - I am following you now too!
    Love this recipe too!


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