Mixed Pickle


For as far back as I can remember my Mom canned Mixed Pickle. That's what we always called it in Ohio. Here in Pa. people call it Chow-Chow. When I was a little girl the only part of this that I remotely enjoyed were the tiny pickles and I would fish those out and eat them. While the cauliflower and the tiny pickles are still favorites, I have learned to enjoy every bit of it and every year I like to can some. I am the only one here that eats it but I also make it to give away as gifts. We have several sweet old ladies from church that are always happy to see me coming with a can of this. ☺ And it gives me great pleasure to know that they will get to enjoy something they no longer have the energy to do by themselves.

 love the bright colors of the fresh garden veggies!

3 heads cauliflower
1 quart sliced carrots
1 quart celery
5 red peppers
3 green peppers
1 quart string beans
1 quart canned pearl onions
2 quarts sliced or tiny whole cucumbers*
1 quart dark red kidney beans
1 quart garbonzo beans

Wash and chop or slice veggies into bite sized pieces. Blanch seperately until crisp/tender all veggies except cucumbers. Combine in a large bowl or canner adding the canned beans and onions.
*If I don't have enough of my own tiny cucumbers I use the Vlasic midgets plus the ones from my garden. My theory is that you can't have too many in there.☺

again...LOVE how colorful it is!!

In a seperate bowl combine the brine ingredients:
5 cups white sugar
4 cups water
2 cups vinegar
1 Tablespoon Clear-jel
2 teaspoons celery seed
½ teaspoon tumeric

Combine dry ingredients and mix with a wire whisk.

Add the liquid and stir until sugar is mostly dissolved.

Pour over blanched veggies.

Wash cans in hot soapy water and place them into oven that is turned to 190°. I also place the can lids onto a cookie sheet and place them in the oven.

You want your jars and lids to be HOT!! because the finished product does not get a water bath to seal. I was taught the open kettle method with this, if you are not comfortable with that method you will need to figure out your own amount of time to water bathe it.

Turn your burner to medium and allow the veggie/brine mixture to heat through without the lid. Stir now and then to insure even heating. When it begins to boil start ladling it into hot cans dipping out of the kettle at the spot that is bubbling the most.

See those bubbles at two o'clock? That's where I dipped it from. Don't roll your eyes, that's just how my Mom taught me!!☺ If it's good enough for her, it's good enough for me!

Wipe the rim of the filled jar with a clean dish rag and place a hot lid on top and screw a ring on tightly and turn the jar upside down on your counter away from any draft. Allow to seal and cool completely for 24 hours.

Store in a cool dry place until ready to use.

                     Like I said, they're always happy to see me coming with a jar of this goodness!

Be Blessed!

Linking to:
Made It Monday
Home Sweet Home
Delightfully Inspiring
Cast Party Wednesday
Wicked Awesome Wednesday
Garden Variety Wednesday
Whisking Wednesday
Time Travel Thursday
These Chicks Cooked
Sizzle Into Summer
A Little Birdie Told Me
Friday Food
I'm Lovin' It!
Simply DEsigning
Savory Sunday


  1. Thanks for linking this with Garden Variety Wednesday! Hope to see you back on July 20th.

    One day I will be brave and can something. Thanks for the step by step on how to do this. It helps make me a little more confident.

  2. My mom always made "chow chow" when I was growing up; but, she chopped her veggies up more than you did. Yours is much prettier! You've made it seem so easy too. Thank you for sharing your how to with us. It looks delicious!

  3. What a great jar of veggies. It is very pretty and colorful. Thanks for linking it up to Home Sweet Home!

  4. What a sweet post - I love what you say about the ladies that don't have the energy for this and love to see you coming. I bet it tastes fantastic - makes me want to get canning!

  5. Mmmmm! The cauliflower and pickles are my favorites too! Thank you so much for sharing another wonderful recipe over at Rook No. 17, Martha!



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