Mango Vinaigrette

Wake Up Your Tastebuds!

Last week some friends and I went to On The Border for some girl time, and one of my friends had a burrito that came with this Mango Vinaigrette. I had a tiny taste and was pretty sure from that that I would have to do some research and experimenting to satisfy my tastebuds.

I've been having fun with some different (for me) herbs and veggies that I planted this year so I wanted to use them in this recipe. So I looked around for some ideas and settled on this combo and was pleased with the results. It's been in my fridge now for about a week so the flavors have had plenty of time to meld.

We had some Grilled Chicken tonight that I had marinated earlier today which went very nicely with the salad I had in mind to use with the Vinaigrette. The salad ingredients were simple and few allowing the viniagrette to be 'star of the show'.

Romaine lettuce
Feta Cheese

I didn't get to sit down and enjoy this with the others because just as I was beginning to eat my son sent a text saying he is ready to be picked up at his job and hubby had a meeting to go to. So I put it into a bowl and did what I don't usually do. I took it along and ate it from one stop sign to the other, and sometimes in between. Yes I really am that desperate at times! haha

So here are the ingredients, I hope that you will enjoy it!

1 cup diced mango,
about two ripe mangoes
1½ Tablespoons diced shallots
¼ cup rice vinegar
¼ cup fresh orange juice
2 Tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 Tablespoon brown sugar
Salt and fresh ground black pepper,
to taste
Fresh Cilantro,
small amount

Place mangoes and shallots into food processor and chop. Add the rest of ingredients and pulse to mix. Give it enough time for the flavors to marry before serving.

Be Blessed!

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  1. Oh that sounds fresh ! I am jealous that you could use homegrown produce! I hope to do that one day.

  2. Sounds fresh and summery:)

  3. What a delicious and flavorful salad!

  4. I love these flavors - I could go for this right now! Delicious

  5. This is the perfect summer salad!

  6. Sound great! I cannot wait to give this a try!
    Thank you so much for linking up to Made it on Monday!

  7. Thank you for sharing your recipes with me at Cast Party Wednesday. I hope you will come back tomorrow and share more of your recipes.
    I hope to see you there!


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